Emotional, FITNESS, HEALTH, Mental, Physical, Preventitive, Spiritual, Weight gain challenge

Fact, Fantasy or Fiction?

1st November 2023

Well, it certainly isn’t Fiction. In fact, it’s too mind-numbingly tedious to be anything other than my own sad, sorry tale , best kept to myself and for myself. The Fact is this: I am so terrified, so filled with fear and self-loathing that I dare not think beyond the notion that I am attending my first therapy appointment tomorrow. It is the first positive thing I have done recently in the attempt to rid myself of this scourge that has blighted me all of my life but never worse than it’s been of late. I have little hope and…

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HEALTH, Physical

Same old, same old

9th August 2023

I can scarcely believe that it’s been 10 months since my last post. So much has been happening in my life and not in a good way either. I have not only moved house but I have moved into another area, outside of London where I lived these past 11 years. We have moved into a 523 year old house, on what must be the busiest road in the entire UK – We had no idea that it is the only route to towns and villages west of us and the noise is constant and incessant. Because the house is…

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CHALLENGING CHANGE, Emotional, FOOD: friend or foe?, Mental, Physical, Spiritual

Dying flame or flickering candle?

16th November 2021

I’m probably at the most critical point in my life. I feel that I am about to cross over that imperceptible line , the line that when you cross it, you are unaware you’ve crossed over but by which time it is too late anyway, you are lost forever. I feel that I am barely clinging on and quite frankly, I am terrified. I’m terrified because up until this point, I haven’t been able to change things or make a significant difference to my general malaise and constant quandary: how to escape this fortress that I have imprisoned myself in.…

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FROZEN- figurative or literal ?

1st March 2018

The word ‘ habit ‘ is sometimes a kinder terminology than ‘ addiction ‘. However, in my case, saying that I have habits is a form of denial because what I actually have is an addiction. This was never more apparent to me than this morning. I had already started to fret about my daily routine/ritual/call it what you will , last night. The tussle began whilst I was eating my dinner. I ‘ over-did ‘ it and ate, horrors of horrors, TWO poached eggs with my 4 brussel sprouts, 2 florets of broccoli, spoonful of corn and slice of butternut. Its…

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