I love it when signs point towards a specific theme or issue that I have already been open to. My desire to make contact with someone in need for 7 days was further endorsed and enforced when I came across The Thirty Day Kindness Challenge .The challenge is to be kind in words and actions to someone or several people you know for an entire 30 days. The hope is that like all habits that form when there is consistency and repeated behaviour, one can also train oneself to develop good and positive habits. The benefits are huge, not only for the recipient but for the giver as well. One should never enter into anything altruistic as an attempt to score points for oneself or purely because of the gains for self. It doesn’t work that way. One has to have an entirely unselfish motive and truly desire for the blessings to be bestowed on others with no thought of reward or self-gratification. It stands to reason that if one’s motives are truly pure, then the blessings one receives in the simple act of giving will be numerous and plentiful. Its a win-win situation! Who doesn’t derive joy and pleasure when one sees the look of delight on another’s face after you have given them something or done something unexpected for them?

Check out the website on familylifetoday if you want to find out about the challenge.

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